The Sixth Fire in Truckee Was a Huge Blow to the Town
In August of 1881, Truckee's downtown business district suffered a major fire that took many months to recover and rebuild from. Many businesses did not have insurance, so recovery was slow and costly. By the summer of 1882, the Front Street merchants had recouped their losses and were making money again. The Truckee Republican reported the details of the next incident.
On October 27, at 4:30 p.m., smoke was seen coming from the rear of Paul Menk's building, and in a few minutes, flames burst through the back windows. The alarm was raised, and in a few moments, the street was filled with men. The Truckee Lumber Company's fire department responded promptly, and in a short time, had a stream of water on the flames.
The volunteer staffed Washoe steam powered engine rushed to the scene and after firing up the boiler and laying hose to a nearby water tank, was spraying two streams of water on the blaze. The Samson, the Central Pacific's fire suppression locomotive, was hooked up to its water supply cars and parked near the current Bridge Street crossing. In a short time it added its stream of water to the fight.
The building where the fire started was sandwiched in between two supposedly fire proof brick buildings. It was expected that the fire would quickly be suppressed. In the back of the building, along the alley, were firewood piles, outbuildings and outhouses, along with wood debris. Since there was no access to the rear, the flames spread to the two buildings next to it. Tinware merchant Frank Steven's shop was the next to catch fire, and it looked as if the whole east end of the block would burn.
At this time it looked as though the fire would cross Bridge Street and burn the eastern portion of Truckee. Men with water buckets and wet blankets prevented it from carrying over the Pacific House, which is now the site of the Truckee Hotel. A few times the building did catch on fire but was quickly put out. Also saved was the photo studio of H.K Gage, located where Casa Baeza is now. Joe Gray's stables at Bridge and Jibboom Streets caught on fire, but the historic Gray's cabin was spared flames once again, due to the open space of the horse corrals that surrounded it.
The flames were slowed to the east but continued to burn west into the heart of the commercial row of businesses. The Sherritt House, Stewart McKay's New American House, and Hamlet Davis's grocery store all burned thoroughly.
The brick Odd Fellows Hall couldn't withstand the heat from the fire moving west. As the flames were progressing upon the Hall, a terrific explosion occurred and the iron doors and windows blew open and the interior was soon in flames. Coal oil barrels that had been stored inside were the cause of the explosion. Joe Marzen's meat market, in the ground floor of the Odd Fellows, was spared the worst fire damage because a substantial, fireproof dirt floor had been installed in between the bottom and second floors. The fire was slowed down considerably at this point, allowing firefighters to train all their efforts on saving Hurd's Hall.
By now, several hours after the inferno had started, the railroad's Donner Summit fire train had arrived, and that combined with the Samson, the Washoe and the Truckee Lumber Co. engines fought a valiant fight to save the brick building. It was feared that if it couldn't be stopped there that the rest of the block to the west, which was mostly wood structures, would also burn.
Fortune smiled on Truckee that day as the inferno was stopped at Hurd's Saloon, but not without damage to the building, now known as the Capitol Building.
As liquor was taken from the burning buildings and left in the plaza, it was eagerly grabbed by the crowd of bystanders on the plaza who are always on hand at a fire. Many merchants and bar owners removed their goods only to have them fall into the hands of sneak thieves. Only those who posted guards escaped the pillage and looting.
Despite the vigilance of the property owners over their goods, a great deal of merchandise was taken. The blame was placed on the Chinese, the Indians, and hoodlum elements, which it was believed, reaped a rich harvest. Liquor, cigars, groceries, bedding, furniture, trunks and anything not guarded disappeared.
At one time during the night, considerable excitement was caused by an announcement that a man had been locked in the Odd Fellows Building and had perished in the flames. Later it was determined that no one had died in the fire.
Several injuries were reported. One man fell off of the top of the Samson water cars while coupling a hose. He was knocked out for a time, but Dr. William Curless brought him around and treated his other injuries. Jerome Fountain, the railroad yardmaster, received a severe cut on his right foot. Another man sustained a deep cut in his scalp, when a drunk threw a bottle at him.
The Chinese were compelled by force to help pump the hand powered fire pumps when the first crews began to give out. Even elderly Chinese merchants were forced to labor under the watchful eyes of the exhausted firemen.
There were many heroes as well as villains. Men such as Roddy McClellan, James Lowden, George Lewison, and Tom Rogers bravely continued to pour water from the Washoe on Hurd's Hall all night despite being exhausted.
Rumors as to the exact cause were abundant. Paul Menk stated that there was no fire in the wood stove, nor had their been any lamps or candles burning. An Indian said he saw two white men attempting to set fire to this same building the day before, but that they had given up when they couldn't get anything burning.
Fire insurance was common in Truckee due to the number of destructive fires that had occurred. Of the estimated $150,000 worth of damage, only about $60,000 was fully insured. Major losses were suffered by the Masonic Temple of over $2,000, Paul Menk $8,000, Frank Stevens $4,500, Joe Gray $1,500, Odd Fellows Hall $7,000, James Sherritt $30,000, Joe Marzen & Son $3,000, George Harrison $6,500, W.C. Durno $6,000, William Hurd $3,000, Hamlet Davis $1,200, and the greatest loss was suffered by Stewart McKay who lost over $35,000 in the fire.
Even while the fire was burning their businesses, men such as McKay, Sherritt, Stevens, Hurd, Harrison and others took the time to order lumber to be delivered the next morning. As dawn broke hammers were heard as temporary shacks were being built to house the businessmen. Those who waited to start temporary buildings or reconstruction were dismayed when several feet of snow fell on Truckee the following week.
By November 15, the work of rebuilding and getting ready was in full swing despite the onset of early snowstorms. Several merchants did not bother rebuild, but sold their properties or gave up their leases. James Sheritt bought up two ruins that gave him the east end of Front Street, but did not rebuild until the following spring. Stewart McKay bought out John Moody's Truckee Hotel, across the railroad tracks; Joe Marzen built a comfortable shop in front of the Odd Fellows Hall until the repairs were done there. William Hurd completed repairs on his building shortly after November 15.
As a community, Truckee survived the fire of 1882, though it took maybe a year or more to recover financially from the inferno. Citizens meetings were held to add more water supplies and fire equipment, but very little was actually done. Truckee would be safe from another major fire for about a decade, but the memory lived on for a lot longer.
On October 27, at 4:30 p.m., smoke was seen coming from the rear of Paul Menk's building, and in a few minutes, flames burst through the back windows. The alarm was raised, and in a few moments, the street was filled with men. The Truckee Lumber Company's fire department responded promptly, and in a short time, had a stream of water on the flames.
The volunteer staffed Washoe steam powered engine rushed to the scene and after firing up the boiler and laying hose to a nearby water tank, was spraying two streams of water on the blaze. The Samson, the Central Pacific's fire suppression locomotive, was hooked up to its water supply cars and parked near the current Bridge Street crossing. In a short time it added its stream of water to the fight.
The building where the fire started was sandwiched in between two supposedly fire proof brick buildings. It was expected that the fire would quickly be suppressed. In the back of the building, along the alley, were firewood piles, outbuildings and outhouses, along with wood debris. Since there was no access to the rear, the flames spread to the two buildings next to it. Tinware merchant Frank Steven's shop was the next to catch fire, and it looked as if the whole east end of the block would burn.
At this time it looked as though the fire would cross Bridge Street and burn the eastern portion of Truckee. Men with water buckets and wet blankets prevented it from carrying over the Pacific House, which is now the site of the Truckee Hotel. A few times the building did catch on fire but was quickly put out. Also saved was the photo studio of H.K Gage, located where Casa Baeza is now. Joe Gray's stables at Bridge and Jibboom Streets caught on fire, but the historic Gray's cabin was spared flames once again, due to the open space of the horse corrals that surrounded it.
The flames were slowed to the east but continued to burn west into the heart of the commercial row of businesses. The Sherritt House, Stewart McKay's New American House, and Hamlet Davis's grocery store all burned thoroughly.
The brick Odd Fellows Hall couldn't withstand the heat from the fire moving west. As the flames were progressing upon the Hall, a terrific explosion occurred and the iron doors and windows blew open and the interior was soon in flames. Coal oil barrels that had been stored inside were the cause of the explosion. Joe Marzen's meat market, in the ground floor of the Odd Fellows, was spared the worst fire damage because a substantial, fireproof dirt floor had been installed in between the bottom and second floors. The fire was slowed down considerably at this point, allowing firefighters to train all their efforts on saving Hurd's Hall.
By now, several hours after the inferno had started, the railroad's Donner Summit fire train had arrived, and that combined with the Samson, the Washoe and the Truckee Lumber Co. engines fought a valiant fight to save the brick building. It was feared that if it couldn't be stopped there that the rest of the block to the west, which was mostly wood structures, would also burn.
Fortune smiled on Truckee that day as the inferno was stopped at Hurd's Saloon, but not without damage to the building, now known as the Capitol Building.
As liquor was taken from the burning buildings and left in the plaza, it was eagerly grabbed by the crowd of bystanders on the plaza who are always on hand at a fire. Many merchants and bar owners removed their goods only to have them fall into the hands of sneak thieves. Only those who posted guards escaped the pillage and looting.
Despite the vigilance of the property owners over their goods, a great deal of merchandise was taken. The blame was placed on the Chinese, the Indians, and hoodlum elements, which it was believed, reaped a rich harvest. Liquor, cigars, groceries, bedding, furniture, trunks and anything not guarded disappeared.
At one time during the night, considerable excitement was caused by an announcement that a man had been locked in the Odd Fellows Building and had perished in the flames. Later it was determined that no one had died in the fire.
Several injuries were reported. One man fell off of the top of the Samson water cars while coupling a hose. He was knocked out for a time, but Dr. William Curless brought him around and treated his other injuries. Jerome Fountain, the railroad yardmaster, received a severe cut on his right foot. Another man sustained a deep cut in his scalp, when a drunk threw a bottle at him.
The Chinese were compelled by force to help pump the hand powered fire pumps when the first crews began to give out. Even elderly Chinese merchants were forced to labor under the watchful eyes of the exhausted firemen.
There were many heroes as well as villains. Men such as Roddy McClellan, James Lowden, George Lewison, and Tom Rogers bravely continued to pour water from the Washoe on Hurd's Hall all night despite being exhausted.
Rumors as to the exact cause were abundant. Paul Menk stated that there was no fire in the wood stove, nor had their been any lamps or candles burning. An Indian said he saw two white men attempting to set fire to this same building the day before, but that they had given up when they couldn't get anything burning.
Fire insurance was common in Truckee due to the number of destructive fires that had occurred. Of the estimated $150,000 worth of damage, only about $60,000 was fully insured. Major losses were suffered by the Masonic Temple of over $2,000, Paul Menk $8,000, Frank Stevens $4,500, Joe Gray $1,500, Odd Fellows Hall $7,000, James Sherritt $30,000, Joe Marzen & Son $3,000, George Harrison $6,500, W.C. Durno $6,000, William Hurd $3,000, Hamlet Davis $1,200, and the greatest loss was suffered by Stewart McKay who lost over $35,000 in the fire.
Even while the fire was burning their businesses, men such as McKay, Sherritt, Stevens, Hurd, Harrison and others took the time to order lumber to be delivered the next morning. As dawn broke hammers were heard as temporary shacks were being built to house the businessmen. Those who waited to start temporary buildings or reconstruction were dismayed when several feet of snow fell on Truckee the following week.
By November 15, the work of rebuilding and getting ready was in full swing despite the onset of early snowstorms. Several merchants did not bother rebuild, but sold their properties or gave up their leases. James Sheritt bought up two ruins that gave him the east end of Front Street, but did not rebuild until the following spring. Stewart McKay bought out John Moody's Truckee Hotel, across the railroad tracks; Joe Marzen built a comfortable shop in front of the Odd Fellows Hall until the repairs were done there. William Hurd completed repairs on his building shortly after November 15.
As a community, Truckee survived the fire of 1882, though it took maybe a year or more to recover financially from the inferno. Citizens meetings were held to add more water supplies and fire equipment, but very little was actually done. Truckee would be safe from another major fire for about a decade, but the memory lived on for a lot longer.
This article by Gordon Richards originally appeared in Echoes From The Past in the October 22, 2004 edition of the Sierra Sun.